Spooky and Scary, Creepy, and Cool. Doctor Wren's Gris-Gris and Fetish Dolls will scare away the unwanted plat-eyes and haints in your life.
Based on Hoodoo traditions from the South Carolina Low country the dolls measure 20-28 inches and are individually created using new, recycled, and vintage fabrics. The fetish is then embellished with beads, buttons, embroidery, and found objects to make each doll unique.
Each fetish doll includes a gris-gris bag filled with protective and healing roots and herbs worn by Doctor Wrens Family members since the 1940s. A poem by Doctor Wren is included in the gris-gris. Dolls can be commissioned for $600.00 (plus $20.00-28.00, depending on time zones shipping, and handling) with a particular person in mind. This gris-gris only good will do.
Visit me at www.DoctorWrenFetishDolls.com
Please feel free to visit us on Instagram at drwrenfetishdolls
Contact Larry Fertick (AKA Doctor Wren) at Larryfertick@yahoo.com to discuss your doll or if you have further questions.
The next page is a link to the Charleston Post and Courrier Newspaper "The Souths Oldest Newspaper" featuring an article about Hoodoo versus Voodoo.
Larry is featured in this column and makes for interesting reading.
Disclaimer: Doctor Wren Fetish Dolls are simply a novelty doll with no expressed or implied statement as to their ability to do anything but keep you company and forever amused.